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Lotus Floating Chinese Restaurant 2018

At every POETS AGM, when discussing the year's forthcoming events, the evening Chinese meal at the Lotus Floating Restaurant is one of the first dates that goes into the diary. And in reality it has never disappointed.


This year 57 people turned up to sample what truly is some of the best Oriental cuisine that you are ever likely to taste.


During the evenings activities the chairman called upon the assistance of Elena Judd from Bespoke Brick Co to draw the name of this year's third charity. The name drawn was Paul Nash who nominated 'Marie Curie Care & Support Through Terminal Illness'. This is a charity that is close to Paul's heart and more can be found out about them on our charities page.


There was the usual 'cash in the envelope' draw for a bottle of champagne and a bottle of malt whiskey. And the charity funds were swelled further with a couple of auction lots - A fourball at West Malling Golf Club, kindly donated by Bespoke Brick was snapped up by Andy Bigg, whilst a meal for two, offered up by Helen and the team at the Lotus also proved to be a popular lot with the winning bid coming from Paul Carter of Go Five Ltd.


All in all the evening raised a total of £1,250 for the POETS' chosen charities.








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